Thursday 10 March 2011

Getting There

Today was another shopping day to get all the minor props. A lot of the focus was on the warehouse scene. Caitlin thought it'd be a good idea to have open boxes of sweets to show more of the factory.
Later that day we went to the tv studio where we are going to film the sweets factory and Tom lit spotlights on boxes to give the scene more depth of field.
Thankfully earlier in the day Tom, Caitlin and I went to the scrap store to get the final pieces for the conveyor belt and the rest of the scenes.
The other step was getting hair dye for "D Day", when three of the five actors get their hair dyed.
Conner, who plays Will may dye his hair darker to bring a darker edge to his character, while Kate as Audrey will take her hair a shade darker to contrast her bright red clothing. Then, my personal favorite, Danann as Cary will dye his hair a Jim-Carrey-as-the-Riddler Orange. So excited to see it done! He's taking the biggest step by bleaching his hair first then dying it orange to bring out the brightest color possible.

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