The parents for my child actor had some great questions about the content and how maybe the character sounded to old in the voice overs parts. They were deciding what to do so it gave me a chance to reflect on the character more and explain how the voiceovers about his life in the future do connect with the child. Basically, in movies like Annie Hall and Amelie they talk about their childhood and how it formed them to who they are as people today. I wanted to reverse that for my character where the kid reflects on how his childhood could effect his future. The parents agreed and I felt clearer about the point of the film.
After that I started doing some discount shopping for the clothes that Jose would wear. I found a massive white beanie which I'm trying to dye red and I found the neon trousers! I couldn't believe it. I went to H&M and they were 15 pounds but I saw that if I kept the tag and receipt, I could return them for my money back within 28 days. So basically, free trousers for the film! I'm thinking that I might ask the pool I go swimming at in Bedminster could let me borrow one of their red changing room curtains and then that would be sorted. Now I just need my actress to confirm (although she's very busy!) then I'm pretty much ready to film on May 8th as my cinemaphotographer is going to check out a jib.
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