Friday, 15 October 2010

First Meeting with Abigail

Dun Dun Dun.....
Back to university after my two weeks internship and now it was time to catch up on what I was missing. It was an hour and a half conversation which got very personal and resulted in Abigail not seeing my vision for the script. She mostly said there was too much dialogue and that Will didn't grow enough. Then the heart dropping news that I "should rewrite the whole thing".

This was the first time I had to take a step back and see what's best for me. I've spent all summer on it, which could be why I think it's at least on the right track to something good and maybe I'm too close to it now. But in this summer, I've also had multiple people from Bristol-based companies mention only little problems in the script. It seems other people see my vision, or at least the way it's headed so I'm concerned that I need to get more advice from other people then my tutor to see if maybe Abigail just needs more explanation. I'm sending it to a woman who life work is in scriptwriting and writes work that gets big audiences. Izaskun Arandia-Richards is someone I met at a paella party while on my internship in London. I met her through Chris, who got me the internship in the first place and we really hit it off. I've sent the script to her and will wait to hear back before giving up on my script.

If anyone knows what to do with my work, I trust her the most as she's like-minded and could understand it more. I hope it is usable and that Abigail and I can work together even though we have different opinions on the script. It's a scary/odd feeling sticking up for my work so much. I usually thrive off criticism but to throw out the whole thing I strongly disagree with and I feel scared that it could be my mind just being too attached to it, and also passionate that this film can be something much more then Abigail realizes.

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