Friday, 21 January 2011

Auditions 2

Another group of actors came in today for the roles of Will, Cary, and Audrey.
The guy I had written Will for and who had been on board since the beginning had to drop out so I've been looking for every actor to do both the Will and Cary roles for the film.
We had a lot of hopefuls for Audrey this time. 3 out of the 4 auditions were for Audrey and two of them are going to make it hard. Caitlin and I have decided to have 2nd rehearsals because it's been such a tough desicion and have the girls do their lines with people we are considering for Will. At this point, Conner is looking good for Will, because we have found a great Cary today.
Oddly enough, he's an American and brings that Mr. America/ supehero feeling to Cary. He is also so energetic, he comes off mad, which is perfect. So I think he will be perfect for the role of Cary. It starts to get exciting to see actors feel out your script and has given me a lot of hope.
You always worry that it will come out weird when your work is read, but it's great to see that people actually understand what the whole film is all about and the vibe to it.
Sadly, I can't focus on the film too much at the moment because a 6,000 word paper is calling my name.
Location hunting on Sunday but until then, VISUAL CULTURE IS DUE FEB. 1st!

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